There are currently no Alerts at Eve. Call 1800 920 062 (our 24/7 Hotline) to report a Fault or Outage.

Fees & Charges

There are the standard fees and charges related to the management of your account or supply connection. Prices are GST inclusive and apply to customers from 1 July 2024.

For Electricity Plan information, please visit our Electricity Plans page.
Item Price (2024) inc. GST
Account establishment fee - residential and business (non-refundable) $26.84
Reconnection fee $31.10
Urgent Reconnection Fee $208.01
Removal of a temporary supply (if applicable) Price on application
Standard Residential Single-Phase Connection - Temporary $1,384.61
Standard Residential Three-Phase Connection - Temporary $1,473.16
Standard Residential Single-Phase Connection - Permanent $1,945.13
Standard Residential Three-Phase Connection - Permanent $2,033.68
Non-Standard Residential Connection Fees Price on application
Business Connection Fees Price on application
Demolition fee Price on application
Meter testing fee (refunded if meter is faulty) Standard: $340.40
Upgrade or replacement of meter (standard request) $105.93
Special meter reading fee - general $25.96
Special meter reading fee - on site $225.00
Tariff R1 or R3 time-of-use meter installation fee $786.40
Paper based bill fee $1.54
Rejected payment/dishonour fee (payment made at Australia Post) Bank dishonour fees may apply
Direct debit dishonour fee Bank dishonour fees may apply
Over-the-counter payment fee $2.10

Note: Some of the fees above are gazetted in the Government Gazette, noting the full description of the bylaws, being the Energy Operators (Electricity Generation and Retail Corporation) Bylaws 2006 (WA). These fees adjust each time the gazetted fees are adjusted up.